5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using a Quiz Funnel

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A quiz funnel can take your email marketing to the next level. We explain what a quiz funnel is, how it works, and why you should use one in this guide.

Are you looking for ways to grow your email list? Do you have an interest in implementing marketing tools that will lead to more conversion? If so, then you need to integrate a quiz funnel into your website.

Far too many site owners use the “sign up if you want to” approach to gathering emails. Customers these days want to be enticed. They want a reason to give you their email, such as a free quiz tool.

See below for an in-depth guide explaining why you should be using a quiz funnel on your website to gather more email addresses.

1. Improved Results

These days, customers are smarter than ever before. They're well informed on how digital marketing works, so they know why you're after their email address in the first place.

For that reason, they're less willing to give it up. They want to make sure they can trust a brand before they go handing it out all willy-nilly.

A quiz funnel is a tremendous way to improve your results when attempting to grow your email lists. It's a free tool that your target customers can use to learn a bit more about themselves and their biggest pain points.

After they've taken the quiz, they'll want to find out the results, which is what will prompt them to give you their email address. It will also prevent people from giving you invalid email addresses since you're emailing the results to them.

As a result, you'll be able to grow your email list full of potential clients and returning clients.

If you really want to grow your email list, you have to take action. Sitting back won't get you the results you're looking for. Give your clients a reason to connect with you, and you'll be able to guide them down their customer journey map for years to come.

2. Prioritizes Customer Retention

For most business owners, the name of the game is to gather as many new clients as possible. They've always focused on the next sale… then the next sale… then the next.

Oftentimes, businesses with that mindset struggle to see growth. Their profits fluctuate from year to year. Why? Because they aren't focusing on who matters most: the current client.

In fact, statistics show that 65-per cent of a company's total sales come from an existing customer. For some companies, that percentage is a lot higher.

Therefore, the focus shouldn't be on making a quiz funnel to lure new people in. It should be on helping a prospect build loyalty with your brand. That way, you can build a relationship with them for years to come.

What better way to do that than a quiz that helps the customer learn a bit more about themselves?

For example, let's say your company helps people create startups. If so, then you might create a quiz that helps them figure out their strong points as an entrepreneur, then send the results to their email.

The client will be grateful that you helped them assess their strengths, thus coming back to you for all their needs in the future. You can be sure they'll pay special attention to your email campaigns moving forward.

3. Consistent Traction

Some of you out there might be thinking “Creating a quiz funnel sounds like a lot of work!”

Depending on the quiz you create, it might be. But here's the beauty of it: you build it once, then enjoy its benefits for years to come.

Similar to a blog post with evergreen content, creating a quiz funnel will give you a passive lead-generating tool on your site. While you're focused on actively gaining leads elsewhere, your quiz funnel will help covert those that visit your website.

Imagine having the luxury of waking up in the morning with new email addresses on your email list. That's the magic of an effective quiz funnel!

4. Seemless Transition to Sales

Like we said before, clients are smart these days. They know that you want their email address to try and sell them.

That's why you have to make them feel appreciated. You have to show them value in your services before they pull out their credit cards.

A quiz funnel is a tremendous tool for that. As long as you put care and thought into it, the quiz will be a helpful tool your target clients can use in their lives.

That alone will get your customers in the right mindset to purchase. Once you have their email address, you can tell them about new products, deals, promotions, and so on.

5. Budget-Friendly

Paid marketing certainly has its place in your digital marketing campaigns. However, anytime there is a chance to benefit from free marketing tools, you should use them!

SEO is one of the best free forms of marketing out there. A quiz funnel can prove to be just as useful for your business model.

Even if you use a few pounds to have a professional set up the quiz funnel for you, it's a one-time expense. Seeing as how you'll benefit from the funnel for years down the line, that one-time expense seems minute.

Create an Effective Quiz Funnel for Your Site Today

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on the reasons you should be using a quiz funnel, be sure to use this information wisely.

Take the time to read this article for more information on why your business needs a mobile-friendly website.

For any other inquiries, you may have, be sure to contact us at 0121 405 0390 and we will be happy to assist you further.

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