Start with your PURPOSE then plan the road ahead

Here is a universal truth which can have very few exceptions throughout the annuals of human history. Whatever a person or a business’ ultimate purpose is will eventually become manifest… whether they are even aware of what that purpose is or not. The result is that those who reach their purpose will be satisfied, happy, relaxed and free to enjoy the fruits of their efforts. But those that don’t will be the opposite of those things. Sadly that is most people.

If you don’t know where you are going all roads will lead you there…

Most people go into business, get a job or start some venture in life out of necessity. And even amongst those that choose a particular path it is only with a short term goal or a limited vision of where they actually want to go. In order to be successful (and that does mean different things to different people) you must know where you want to end up. How else are you going to plan a route to take you there?

If you don’t have a dream – how are you going to have a dream come true?

So my encouragement to you would be to take some time out today, or tomorrow (don’t leave it any longer than that) and think about what you actually want. Make sure it is realistic and that you really believe in that goal – this is important. Then start to reverse engineer the route which might take you there.

I heard a story from Sir Chris Hoy (the multi-gold medal winning cyclist) a little while ago where he was recalling the first time he ever got challenged to set a goal. He had just joined a small cycling club in Scotland, as a young man new to the sport, and the coach was asking what people wanted to achieve: that season, whilst they were in the club and ultimately in their life. Chris said that he was the only one there that day who wrote down ‘Olympic Champion’ for the final category and that the others in the room just laughed at him. But the coach took him aside and said “OK – let’s look at what we need to do in order to get you there”. They then set about creating a plan – starting the following day – which would give him the best shot at making that dream a reality – one day.

What interests me most about the story is how he went on to say that, at the time, he wasn’t even the best cyclist in the club… let alone in that room. But he did have a goal.

How far could you go if all you had to do was possible tomorrow?

Imagine if you had identified your big purpose (in your business or in your personal life). Let’s suppose that you wanted to achieve this within the next 10 years. Now, what if you had taken some time to plan what you need to do every single day between now and then to make it happen. Then you would be able to hit your target tomorrow and go as far as your desire and belief could take you.

Once you have discovered your purpose, get in touch if you’d like some help implementing the plan…

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