How Digital Marketing Increases Brand Awareness

Your business needs a solid, trusted brand to thrive. After all, if people don't trust your brand, then how can you expect them to use it?

Creating brand awareness creates a better name for you and your business. By making strides in your digital marketing strategy, you're going to build your brand identity, which is going to help you in the long run.

But what kind of strides can you make? What things can you do to move towards cultivating success with these goals? Luckily, we're here to help.

Here's how digital marketing increases your brand awareness, and a few steps you can take to increase your own.

What Is Brand Awareness?

Before you can start building brand awareness, it helps to know what it is. Brand awareness is simply how familiar consumers are with the distinctive qualities or images that a certain brand creates and markets.

A good example here is The Walt Disney Company. This brand is known and revered for its overall consistency.

If you travel to one of the resorts, you're sure to be met with quality customer service. As far as imaging goes… have you ever met anyone who hasn't heard of Mickey Mouse or one of the Disney princesses?

Coca-Cola has made a similar name for itself with its distinctive red packaging and polar bears. The same even goes for McDonald's and the golden arches!

But how did all these companies cultivate brand awareness? The answer is simple: marketing. Today, though, you're going to be placing a focus on digital marketing.

1. Identify Target Audience

Before you even begin thinking about how to market, you have to know who you're marketing to. Creating a marketing persona that embodies the ideal customer for your business is going to help you market to them.

Don't be afraid to get specific either.

What is their age, personality, style, and need? How is your business or brand going to help them in the long run?

2. Create Your Brand Voice

Once you've honed in on a specific target persona, it's time to create your brand voice by speaking with them. There are two main ways you can go about doing this:

  • Speaking with people from your target demographic
  • Conducting market research

When you speak with people from your target demographic, you're getting direct feedback on how they wish to interact with your company. When you research other companies with your same demographic, you're getting a look at how their customers appreciate being interacted with.

The important thing to remember with your brand voice is to keep it unique and personable. Research has shown that consumers appreciate authenticity, and your brand can lose trust if you don't project it well.

3. Build Your Brand Following

Once you have a brand voice, you can begin creating content for your specific audience. By consistently posting on social media and even your blog or website, you begin to create a following for your brand.

You can also choose a specific social media platform to remain visible and active consistently and repeatedly. The more followers you gain, the more trusted your brand becomes. Word-of-mouth recommendations and advertising begin to peak and your business starts generating more leads and sales than it ever has before.

Once your following begins to grow, however, it's important to not begin expecting that same growth at all times. Now that you've gotten to where you wanted to be, you have to remain consistent!

4. Using Your Voice

Consistency isn't the only way your brand can build a following, though it does still play a major part in it. When you use the brand voice you've worked so hard to curate, your audience begins to understand how they can expect to be interacted with.

Whether it's through social media comments or messaging, being posted on your Instagram story, or simply having a pleasant customer service experience, using that voice is going to help cultivate your overall brand awareness.

Not only this, but you're also working to increase the amount of trust that customers and consumers place in your brand. They're not going to be worried about how they'll be spoken to when they reach out for customer service.

Instead, they're going to know that their problem can and will be solved quickly and efficiently.

5. Search Engine Rankings Skyrocket

Sure, you can pay for PPC advertising, but if nobody knows your brand, then nobody is going to click on that ad — even if it is in the first spot on Google's results page.

The same goes for SEO. Even though you're not paying, if you put a lot of time and effort into making sure your rankings are great but don't take the time to make your brand recognizable, then it isn't going to reach its greatest potential.

When you place a focus on growth and awareness, your brand becomes something that others know and trust. It also becomes the business that others look to when they begin conducting their market research to build their brand.

When your website and social media outlets are being searched for and perused, this automatically increases your search engine rankings.

6. Conduct Reviews

Once you've built your brand's awareness, it's important to consistently review and edit anything and everything you do. Sometimes, rebranding is necessary. Other times, you're going to find that what you're doing is still working and nothing needs to change.

What's important to recognize here is that you don't know what needs change if you're not even aware of any potential issues or their cause.

Brand Awareness is the Best Way to Grow Your Business

When you build and place a focus on brand awareness, your brand begins to grow in ways you may have never thought possible. Your business gains the trust and momentum it needs to become everything you've ever wished for it to be.

Sometimes, though, you need a little help from the professionals. Whether it's website creation or social media advertising, Jumpworks is here to help. Contact us today to get your business started on its journey to growth and recognition.

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