The Key Digital Marketing Metrics You Need to Be Tracking

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The Key Digital Marketing Metrics You Need to Be Tracking

Marketing metrics can give your business decision-makers valuable insights into how your marketing efforts are performing. These are the key metrics to track.

With so many different digital marketing metrics to track, it can be a challenge to know which ones are the most important. Do you spend all your time looking at Google Analytics? Or do you just check your website's pageviews now and then?

We'll help you figure out what marketing metrics to track and how often to check them. We’ll also explain how each metric works and provide some examples so you can better understand what is being measured.

Why Track Metrics?

Tracking metrics is a great way to measure your progress and success. It can help you identify which channels are working, and which ones aren't.

It can also help you identify opportunities to improve your marketing strategy. And, of course, metrics are the best way to measure the impact of your marketing efforts—and that's important because it's necessary for making informed decisions moving forward.

What To Look for When Tracking Marketing Metrics

If you’re looking to get started with digital marketing metrics, a good place to start is with the basics. The following metrics are some of the most important and common ones used by businesses:

Traffic (Visits)

This metric tracks how many people visit your website or app each month. It’s one of the most basic marketing metrics in existence, but it can be extremely useful for understanding how well certain campaigns are performing compared to others over time.

Conversion Rate

This metric measures what percentage of your visitors convert into customers or leads through an online shopping cart, contact form submission, etc., and helps you determine which traffic sources are generating more conversions than others. If a campaign isn't generating any sales or leads whatsoever, then it's not working—so make sure yours are!

Marketing Metrics You Need to Track

The goal of digital marketing is to drive traffic, leads, and sales to your website. To be successful in achieving this goal, you need to know which marketing channels are working best for you.

Here are some of the key metrics every business owner should be tracking.

Social media engagement is how many people are engaging with your content on social media. Engagement can include comments, likes, and shares.

Video views how many times has a video been viewed on YouTube or Facebook? You'll want to track this so you know how often people access your videos. This will help in making future videos more popular with customers who've already seen them before.

Metrics for Social Media Marketing (SMM) And Content Marketing

To be successful you need to be looking at the following metrics.

Your follower count is how many people are following your brand’s social media pag.? Next check out the engagement rate. This is how much engagement does each post on your social media platform generates (e.g., likes, comments, shares)?

Another metric to be aware of is the average engagement rate. What is the average number of engagements that you see per post across all posts in a given period?

If you have multiple posts per day and they vary greatly in their level of engagement, it can be helpful to look at an average rather than using only one day’s worth of data as part of your calculation. You might also want to bundle these daily posts into a weekly email newsletter for your audience.

Share of voice is what percentage of people who saw one piece of content about a specific topic did so through your channel versus another source (e.g., TV news network)? This metric is often referred to as “reach” or “awareness.”

Tracking Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Metrics

You can track the performance of your SEO efforts by measuring keywords, organic traffic, and keyword ranking. Keywords are words or phrases that people search for to find what you offer. Organic traffic is the number of visits to your website that come from search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

Keyword ranking refers to how well-positioned your site is for certain keywords compared to other sites with similar content or products (you'll want to be as high as possible). Keywords providing the highest quality traffic will often have a lower cost per click (CPC) than others—and thus generate more revenue for you at a lower cost.

Page views are another important metric. The more pages someone views on your website during each visit, the better it means they liked what they saw and wanted more information about what you sell or service offering.

The page value metric measures how much money each page on your site brings in from visitors; if this number is greater than 1 it means there's an opportunity for improvement so visitors spend more time looking at higher-value pages rather than less valuable ones like category pages or landing pages with no call-to-action buttons.”

You can also track bounce rate—the ratio between total visits versus “bounced” visits where users leave immediately upon arriving at one of those landing pages—as well as time spent on site which indicates how long someone stays once they've arrived at one of these pages before leaving again.”

Why Track Digital Marketing Metrics?

When you're working in digital marketing, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running a business and how much market share you own. It's important not to lose sight of your overall goals and objectives as you keep on top of daily tasks.

You can use metrics to measure your performance over time or compare different campaigns or channels against each other. Metrics can help you understand what works and what doesn't. They'll give you insight into how your business is performing over time.

You may have heard some people talk about their “metric dashboards”—this is a colloquial term for using data from multiple sources to track key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most for their businesses, such as revenue growth or customer retention rates over time (or even just the number of new customers acquired).

There Are Many Key Marketing Metrics You Can Dive Into

A marketing metric is a measurement or data point that helps you understand how your digital presence is performing. Without metrics, you can’t see the progress of your efforts or make meaningful decisions about what to do next.

You need metrics to track how well you are reaching and engaging with new customers, retaining existing ones, and driving sales through conversion rates and user behavior. Many key metrics can show you how your digital presence is performing:

We hope this article helped you understand what digital marketing metrics are and why they matter. If you're ready to get started be sure to contact us today.

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