A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a PPC Strategy That Works

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a PPC Strategy That Works

A well planned PPC campaign can help take your business to the next level. We break down how to develop a PPC strategy that works here.

If you've been overlooking creating a PPC strategy for your business, chances are you'll stop once you realise that this form of an ad has a 200% ROI. In the world of marketing, the higher your ROI, the better off your business will be at increasing overall revenue and retaining your current and incoming customers.

Are you still confused about what goes into building PPC strategies that work? Get ready to dive into some simple steps that will ensure the PPC for business that you use will help your company achieve the results it's been looking for.

Defining Business Goals

The first step in answering how to build a PPC strategy is determining the goals you want to achieve. When you don't take the time to assess your goals, it becomes challenging to decide on the materials and resources you'll need to use to achieve these goals.

Also, it causes the company to waste resources on an unfocused plan, which leads to unknown problems for the brand. When defining the goals you want to achieve through your PPC strategy, ensure they're as specific as possible.

When goals are specific, it makes it easier for them to be tracked to determine if you're on course to meet the goal in the designated time.

Remember that the goals you want to achieve may change as you launch various PPC campaigns.

Understanding this will ensure that the plan your team follows throughout the campaign aligns with your goals and metrics to track them. We recommend using the SMART method when creating goals for your PPC strategy.

It will help you to create:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • RelevantTime-bound goals

If you're unsure if your strategy is hitting the mark, you can schedule a PPC audit with a company like Jumpworks to ensure you're on the right path.

Focus on the Target

Your target audience is the group of people that you've determined have use for the products and services being offered and created by your company. Understanding your audience will ensure you've chosen the correct advertising method to reach them effectively and get them to buy from your company.

For example, when you're using PPC ads to target consumers, one key piece of the ad is the words you use within the ad. You can't just use any keywords you deem essential; instead, you should use keywords specific to your target consumers' interests.

To find out what these keywords are, you must analyse your consumers and what motivates them to buy their products. Are your consumers motivated by emotions? Are they motivated by their household income?

Whatever the reason they are motivated to buy from certain brands is information you need to use to your advantage when creating your PPC ads; remember, even if you are targeting a specific group of people right now doesn't mean you can't reassess your audience in the future to reach more people.

Optimise Business Website

The next step in creating PPC strategies is to optimise your website. Optimising your website makes it easier for your business to be found on search engines by consumers making internet queries.

When people visit your website, they want to be directed precisely where they need to go in the least amount of clicks possible. For example, when visitors see your contact information and click the link, it should take them to the correct page, not the home or about us page.

When your website isn't optimised, it will make it more challenging for consumers to find what they need and lead to them leaving your page before they obtain the information they're seeking. If you have a higher bounce rate, your page isn't optimised or designed in a way that website visitors want to stay.

The bottom line is that all your landing pages need to be optimised, as do the ads you use across your social media accounts that persuade them to click the links to your business website in the first place.

Start Creating Your PPC Ads

Now that you've taken the time to ensure your business landing pages are optimised and you understand the audience you're targeting, it's time to begin creating the ads you'll launch across all digital channels. The ads you deploy will create the link between your audience and the searches they enter into search engines.

For example, if you're using Facebook to create your ads, a specific formula can be followed to ensure the ad meets your needs. If you're unsure how to organise a Facebook ad campaign, Jumpworks can help with this.

Not only is our team skilled at building the ads you need we will also sit down with you weekly to keep you updated on the performance of your ads.

Analyse PPC Campaigns

Once your ads are in circulation, it's time to begin monitoring them and make changes accordingly if needed. Some of the metrics you may use to ensure your PPC campaigns are on track include:

  • Cost per acquisition
  • Click through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per click

There are others you could use, but these are just a few that help you track the success of your PPC campaigns.

The metrics you use to track the success of your campaigns will depend on the goals you've set previously in the PPC strategy process.

PPC Strategy Creation for Your Business

When creating a PPC strategy for your business, you've got to take your time to create a campaign that works for your business needs. Begin by defining your goals until it's time to launch and monitor your campaigns.

We recommend you stop and schedule a call with Jumpworks for help with PPC because our experts know what it takes to help your business hit its target every time.

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