Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which Is Right for Your Small Business?

ADS Concept For Business

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which Is Right for Your Small Business? When weighing up Facebook Ads vs Google Ads, which is better for your small business? We explain the pros and cons of each to help you decide. Did you know that 58 percent of customer interactions now take place digitally? This means that over half […]

What Does PPC Stand For? Why Are PPC Ads so Vital to Your Business?

Hand writing the text: Pay-Per-Click

Is your business comfortable missing out on 85% of customers who use the internet to look for local businesses to serve their needs? Customer behaviour has changed with the internet being the first place where a majority of people head to start their purchase journey. In light of this, you can’t afford not positioning your […]

Facebook Ads 101: Your Complete Guide

facebook ads

Facebook users access their app at least eight times per day on average, of the 1.49 billion Facebook users, 26% that clicked on ad reported making a purchase. That’s an incredible amount of untapped market that all businesses should be attempting to make their stake in. Unfortunately, it means that businesses will be swimming in a […]

How Do Google Ads Work, Anyway?

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Approximately 80 per cent of all retail ad money is spent on Google. If you have a product to sell, then you too need to have Google Ads. So how do Google Ads work? How hard is it to create your first campaign. The answer is simple, it is easy to create an Adwords Campaign and if […]